The Joyous Justice Podcast is hosted and developed by April N. Baskin with Tracie Guy-Decker.

You can access episodes on Apple Podcasts, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts!


About April and our team

For April and Tracie’s bios, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can join the conversation by sending us a question, insight, or suggestion.

How often do you release new episodes?
New episodes are released on Thursdays.

How are you experts?
April is a full-time liberation and diversity, equity, and inclusion leader who has been building her body of work for nearly two decades. Tracie has an advanced degree in Modern Jewish Thought and is a voracious reader and auto-didact.

We have each done extensive reading and/or training on different aspects of DEI, antiracism, sociology, religion, philosophy, and psychology. We are also both experts on our own life experiences. We both know we are still and will always be learning, and we do not claim to be the only nor the authoritative voices in this area.

How do you record episodes?
Since April is in Senegal and Tracie is in the U.S., even before the coronavirus introduced the world to Zoom, we were connecting that way. We use Zoom to record our conversations and then work with partners to edit the video and audio recording into a digestible podcast.

Do you ever host guests?
Yes, sometimes we welcome guests into our conversation. Stay tuned for those conversations with thinkers and writers from related fields. If you think you might be a good fit for a future episode, fill out the contact form here, and let us know.

I want to use one of your episodes for my class/book club/workshop. What do I need to do?
That’s really cool! We’re kvelling. Please drop us a line and let us know. Use of our episodes for educational purposes is totally kosher and “fair use” under US copyright. If you are using them for commercial purposes, that changes things. Either way, we’d love to know how you’re using our conversations and how it turns out.